Take swinging slow with your girl. Do not press your girlfriend from day 1 to do crazy shit. Be patient and slowly bust out of your comfort zone and build up to doing crazier and crazier things. You should talk about each experience when you’re spending time together at home, maybe a few days after you try it. The most important thing is communication and building comfort progressively. The swinging scene is great environment because people are non judgemental and cool.
Show Notes:
- Why Mike decided to take a break from monogamy, and how this break changed his life
- The reason why embarrassing yourself and leaving your comfort zone can improve your life
- Lessons that the swing scene can teach any couple
- The best way to bring up swinging with your girlfriend
- How to navigate rules and boundaries in your open and swinging relationships
- Communicating in swinging relationships, and how anyone can learn from these techniques and more!