Most of us have heard about peacocking: the idea of wearing an outrageous outfit or set of accessories to get a girl to notice you at a bar. Traditionally, peacocking might mean wearing black nail polish or goggles or Matrix-style trench coats to get attention. I’ve even seen dudes dress up in full-on costumes in a lame effort to stand out from the crowd. They stand out from the crowd, all right. That method of peacocking might work for some people but for the most part, it’s absolutely ridiculous and makes you look like an idiot more than it gets you laid. Go for Subtlety Less … [Read more...]
The Secret to Being a Social Beast: Breach the Dork Forcefield and Hang with the Cool Kids
People ask me all the time, “What’s your secret to dating hot chicks, and how can I be more like you?” I can tell you, and I’m going to in just a minute, but you have to understand that you’re not going to become a social master in a day. Pulling your ideal chick is the result of a massive body of work. That body of work is essentially a lot of social practice: dating a lot of women, meeting a lot of women, having a lot of friends. So, what’s my secret? I have a massive amount of practice, experience and repetitions under my belt. And I hang out with people that add tons of value … [Read more...]
The 3 Stages of Cool…
The ability to integrate with the cool kids is crucial to being able to attract hot girls. A lot of people think that “cool” is a group, and when we talk about “cool kids,” it’s slightly misleading. “Cool” is not a group. It’s a way of being, and there are three stages to it. Stage 1 of Cool: The Trimmings This is the most basic level of cool, it’s the entry level. And when I say “trimmings” I’m talking about your clothes and your physical appearance. 95% of the time, geeks and nerds are wearing clothes that are too big for them and it instantly gives them away as not … [Read more...]
The Easiest Way to Become More Dynamic: Stop Dressing Like an Idiot!
At the end of the day, being dynamic is the greatest pitch ever. The “be all” and “end all” is becoming a man who’s witty, charismatic, driven, spontaneous and grounded: he’s dynamic. Being dynamic is the whole package – 360 degrees of awesome — and girls will pretty much do anything to be with a guy who’s dynamic. If you don’t know how to dress, it immediately sends out a signal that you’re not dynamic. Your appearance is the easiest and fastest way to communicate a message to others as to whether or not you’re worth spending time with. To a hot chick, if you don’t know how to dress, … [Read more...]
“Did you get my text?”
One of our Leverage members, Tom, recently posted this text exchange in our group and asked for feedback. Backstory from Tom: I met a hot Mexican hottie yesterday. She spoke broken english with a sexy accent. I was at Jumpstreet trampolines with my kids. Alondra gets to the place with 4 kids at the same time as us. I had fun talking to her in line and found her watching me do 6 back flips in a row. She said I could sit down with her at her table. We laughed and had a connected conversation. She gave me her number and said she was to busy with her kids to date anyone right now with her 5 … [Read more...]
How To Assess Your Fitness Level & Hit The Next Milestone
Prepare To Have Your Mind Blown – AMA With One of The Smartest Guys You’ll Ever Know
Introducing Dan. You guys have heard me talk about him a shitload. He is a well of knowledge about anything money, business, execution, follow through, career, etc. His credentials include Stanford undergrad, and a Harvard MBA. He's disgustingly well read, wealthier than God, and an all-around life beast. Dan was a fund manager (retired at 36) and now spends his time managing his monies, partying, and acting half-insane. What were some things that Justin did early on when you first met that made you like him? What made you decide to mentor him? Could this be applied globally? I didn't … [Read more...]
How To Use Prospecting & Sales To Find Love
As a sales person the most valuable resource you have is your time. So when prospecting you learn to develop what is called a target customer profile. These are key attributes of successful deals that you have already closed. So if a prospect doesn't exhibit the majority of these qualities, then you move on so as not to waste time on "tire kickers" or basically people who have no intention of buying whatever it is that you are selling. Really successful sales people are able to quickly determine what is NOT a deal; they have literally mastered this skill. This is an important … [Read more...]
How Men Can Overcome Their Height Disadvantage…
Most women 5'8 and up want to date really tall guys so they can feel small in their arms. Tall girls have issues about being big, but a 6'5, 240 pound guy makes them feel small. I am not a small guy, but I have a had a unique experience. I am only attracted to tall athletic girls. 5'8-5'11. I am 5'11 170 pounds. I am by far the shortest/smallest guy any of my girlfriends has ever dated, they always went very far out of their way to let me know this. LOL! I dated a girl who was engaged to a professional baseball player who was 6'5. Another ex before was dating a minor … [Read more...]
Write Her A Note- A Creative Way To Get Her Phone Number Without Risking Public Embarrasment
My favorite time to flirt with women is during the day, when I'm just going about my business. The dating community calls this "daygame." The problem with daygame is that it can be really awkward if there are a bunch of people who can overhear your conversation. You don't really have to worry about this at a bar, club, or lounge because the music is loud and it is socially acceptable to hit on a girl in these types of venues. But what about on the subway, in a crowded bus, in line at a Starbucks, or at a store in front of her coworkers? In these situations, I use a neat little … [Read more...]
6 Keys To Optimizing Your Tinder Profile
Tinder recently came out with a new controversial update called Tinder Plus. Most love it, and the cheapskates hate it... I'm gonna show you to use it for maximum efficiency to improve your dating life. These features of Tinder Plus include: The option un-swipe someone, or “rewind”, if you didn’t mean to swipe left and reject them. Unlimited likes. Passport Mode - You can swipe with people around the country. This is great if your traveling because it allows you to setup dates before you show up in a new city. This feature alone makes the monthly fee worth it. The one new … [Read more...]
What’s the best way to deal with the “I won’t have sex unless we are exclusive” line?
Question: What's the best way to deal with the "I won't have sex unless we are exclusive" line? Answer: It kinda depends, which is why we need the backstory. Is she saying that because she truly wants an actual relationship and doesn't want to compromise on that for someone who doesn't want the same thing as her OR is she saying it to be manipulative because she thinks that's how she's going to get what she wants? In my opinion, you be brutally honest and tell her what you want. If your beliefs/goals/etc don't match, then be a decent human being and move on to another girl and … [Read more...]
Why Do I Suck With Women?
Guys who suck with women fall into a few of the same categories over and over. Sorry, but you're not a special snowflake. But this is a good thing: we've figured out the exact reasons why most guys suck, and we know what the fix is. 1. You have social anxiety Whether this means you have approach anxiety or a general uneasiness in all social situations, this is one of the more common reasons why guys don't do well with women. How could you make a woman feel comfortable with you if you don't even feel comfortable with yourself? The fix: More approaches and a mindset shift. When you've … [Read more...]
How to Avoid Feeling Salty After Getting Rejected
I wanted to share a concept I learned from Tony Robbins that I had shared with our one-on-one client. It's a very simple concept, but can be a game changer that can completely turn your ship around if it's headed in the wrong direction. You can't change your past and the events that have occurred, but you can change what it means to you. For example, you may have approached a girl, not known what to say, fumbled the conversation, and got denied for the phone number. That's what happened. Nothing you can do to change that event. Now it's up to you to derive meaning from … [Read more...]
How to use “Hard Data” to improve your dating life
Whether we’re talking about the real or the online world, both are absolutely stuffed with soft data. Hard data, on the other hand, is difficult to find. I don’t care what subject is in question, soft data abounds. It’s especially prevalent when it comes to making money, starting a business or just creating an incredible lifestyle. Let’s look at the simple difference between the two. Hard Data (Measurable and Direct) Hard data is what you’re seeking right now. You want to know exactly what these things are. Hard data is specific; it’s niche. Hard data is something that can … [Read more...]
The Truth About Confidence
Think about when you were a kid learning to ride a bike. Were you confident when you started? Probably not. Did you have any logical reason to be confident? No way. But what happened? Despite being unconfident about your abilities, you persisted and continued to practice. Over time, you slowly got better, and once you became proficient, you became confident. You didn't feel confident until you became good, and you ONLY became confident because you became good. This is an important idea: we don't get confident in things until after we become good at them. The “common sense” idea that we … [Read more...]
Pretending Leads to Inevitable Disaster
Sometimes a person may feel trapped by their own shortcomings, and this can result in some very strange and antisocial behavior. What kinds of things should you be on the look out for? You’re Learning Your Weaknesses If you’re interrelating with people, you may have stumbled upon things you don’t know or things you can’t do at all or as well as you’d like. In your quest to be a more fulfilled and a more fulfilling person, you’re probably taking steps to correct these things, to learn what you need or want to know and acquire the skills you seek. But these things take time. Don’t … [Read more...]
Forget every motivational speech you have ever read/heard- the real secret is coming
Forget every motivational speech you have ever read/heard- the real secret is coming....and this applies to getting women Ive read em all, watched em all. Every Steve Jobs keynote speech, Mark Cuban interview about execution, Kobe Bryant talk about hard work. We talk about this stuff a lot in the Leverage program: Taking pride in your work Executing no matter what, even if you have to kill yourself to do it Beast mode-ing Positioning yourself for opportunity Investing in human capital Etc... I think successful people have several skills that separate them from others, … [Read more...]
When you are offered a seat on a rocket ship, don’t ask which seat
I’ve discussed this before; I want to spend more time on it: Product Market Fit, also known as PMF. In tech, especially in mobile you want to achieve something called PMF. The way you do this is by offering your users a "frictionless experience". The more friction that the user is confronted with the less likely they are to use your product. If flights are 50% off then my desire is through the roof and I will tolerate an error 404 or "Time-out", but unless you are offering something like 50% off you will lose me at that moment and possibly for life if I have to deal with friction en … [Read more...]
Want more second, third, fourth dates? Add some color to your personality.
Guys ask about why they aren't getting second dates; I accuse them of being boring, vanilla losers. Well, here is some food for thought.... Most guys offer nothing unique or shocking in their conversations. It is vital that in a few small paragraphs, one can offer more insights as to how he views the world, his stance, small things about himself, etc... than most guys offer in a year of conversation with me. For example, I can tell a buddy of mine clearly doesn’t care, he doesn’t apologize, he understands human behavior and has tested different approaches. He's well written, … [Read more...]
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